Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never Forget - - - 09-11-2001 -- 09-11-2011


 8:55 am: The first plane, a Boeing 767 of American Airlines, hit the north tower of the WTC.
 9.16 am: Another plane, a Boeing 737 of the same company, hit the south tower of the WTC.
 9.30 am: President Bush said on TV, in Florida, "there is a terrorist attack against America." Then he embarked on Air Force One.
 9.40 am: A third hijacked airliner, United Airlines, it hits the Pentagon, in Washington. Evacuated the White House, the Capitol, the Treasury.
 9.45 am: The Abu Dhabi TV is about a Palestinian claim of the attack. Immediately denied.
 10.00 am: Collapse of the south tower of the WTC crash, a huge cloud of dust and smoke covering the whole southern part of Manhattan.
 10.05 am: It crashed in Pennsylvania, uninhabited area, a fourth hijacked airliner, American Airlines. According to rumors, was directed to hit Camp David.
 10.27 am: the second tower collapses of the WTC, and drag with him a third building. Total chaos in New York.
 10:37 am: wing of the Pentagon collapses, there is talk of a second explosion in the immediate vicinity.
 10.55 am: Conviction of Arafat. Rumors about other hijacked aircraft in flight on the U.S..


September 11, 2001
September 11, 2011

We shall never forget
We shall keep this day,
We shall keep the events and the tears
In our minds, our memory and our hearts
and take them with us as we carry on.

Dr. Roberto Polastro

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